, Charlotte and Cooper Quotes

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view post Posted on 18/10/2008, 23:04

2.01 - A Family Thing

Charlotte: I'm wearing crotchless panties, Coop.
Cooper: No. No. No. I am not your toy. There's a lot of other things I could be doing, you know, better things. I could be traling. I could be touching monkeys in Mnemba Island.
Charlotte: Mnemba?
Cooper: Zanzibar! And you could be with me if you weren't pathologically allergic to human relationships.
Charlotte leave the room.
Cooper: Crotchless panties.

Charlotte: I'm here. I came crawlin' back okay? I'm crawlin'.
Cooper: In crotchless panties?
Charlotte: In no panties.

view post Posted on 19/10/2008, 20:36

2.02 - Equal and Opposite

Charlotte: Do not tell Violet about us.
Cooper: I know. I have to go. I'll make it up to you. What are you doing for lunch?
Charlotte: We don't do public.
Cooper: Peppone. 1:00.

Charlotte: What kind of a defect do you have?
Cooper: I'm sorry.
Charlotte: I get one hour for lunch. I was halfway across town. I ordered wine, i found a quiet corner booth, which was good, because otherwise, I might have missed your text.
Cooper: I should have called.
Charlotte: No. You never should have invited me to a lunch you didn't plan on attending. I'm not looking for a relationship or love, or any of that garbage, but i won't be treated like I don't matter.

Charlotte: Tonight's not a good night.
Cooper: I told Violet about us. She was hounding me, and I tolod her. I'm sorry.
Charlotte: I hate you.
Cooper: Yeah, I hate you too, but you do matter. I wouldn't have told Violet if you didn't matter.
Charlotte: Get your clothes off.

Izzie Stevens
view post Posted on 27/10/2008, 13:13

2.03 - Nothing to talk
Cooper:Your in a good mood?

Charlotte:your Montgomerys a real
star, cash cow for me today,really made me look good.

Cooper:Im glad someone does

Charlotte:Stop moping, I dont like moping sex

Cooper:I have a kid with a big head, turns out had nothing wrong with him, except hes gonna be mocked, ridiculed an looked for the rest of his life

Charlotte:And thats your fault?

Cooper:No thats me, Im the one who doesnt fit in, whos gonna be first out of the practice,just because they dont want me on the team anymore, im the bighead kid.

Cooper:Oh my God you are pathetic.you are crazy and pathetic. Big heads not a problem, its a virtue moron. you know who had a big head, lincoln, JFK, Elvis, Einstein, plenty of people have big heads and they dont sit and mope that they have a big head. So don't you sit and mope that your a paediatrician. Do your job, do it well and screw everyone else. Your the big head kid, more power to ya

Izzie Stevens
view post Posted on 4/11/2008, 08:07

2.04 - Past Tens
Charlotte: I am not in the mood.
Cooper: My day's worse. I don't feel like having sex ever again.
Charlotte: Then what are you doing here?
Copper: I came to talk.
Charlotte: You wanted to talk. You're not talking.
Cooper: Do you think I'm a pervert?
Charlotte: I am too busy for this.
Cooper: Hey,does this not bother you? We're both in the middle of tough days,we can't en discuss it with one another?
Charlotte: I don't want to discuss it,cooper. I want to get through it.
Cooper: Maybe that's the difference between you and me. I don't know how to get through mine.

Cooper: Nice outfit,fraulein.
Charlotte: Get over here.
Cooper: No.
Charlotte: Do I look like a person who takes no for an answer?
Cooper: I would very much like it if we could spend the evening. talking.
Charlotte: Again with the talking?
Cooper: I'm serious. We're gonna get to know each other.
Charlotte: Why?
Cooper: Because,herr charlotte,I want us to be about more than sex, because I want to know you and you to know me,like normal people.
For instance,me. I'm from Akron. I'm an only child. I was adopted,and I never cared. I never sought out my birth parents because my parents were great,are great. And,uh,I spent summers working at a camp in indiana, which is when I realized that I loved children and, uh,decided I wanted to be a pediatrician. My favorite color is chartreuse because I like the
way it sounds coming out of my mouth-- chartreuse.
Charlotte: Chartreuse.
Cooper: Chartreuse.

Charlotte: That is a good word.
Cooper: Okay,now it's your turn.
Charlotte: well. I'm from monroeville,alabama. home of harper lee,who
Cooper:to kill a mockingbird.
Charlotte: Right. Which is my favorite book. Yes,I read.

view post Posted on 9/1/2009, 18:02

2x06 - Serving Two Masters
Cooper: Leave with me right now.
Charlotte: Don't you dare out me.
Cooper: Leave with me right now, please. I'll do the thing with my tongue... twice.

Cooper: So... I told them... you're my girlfriend, and if they didn't like that, they were gonna have to deal with me.
Charlotte: You did? What about Violet?
Cooper: I think she was worried about us coming out, but... I took care of it.
Charlotte: That's it?
Cooper: She's happy for me... for us.
Charlotte: I guess I misjudged her.

Edited by Nishy - 9/1/2009, 18:43
Izzie Stevens
view post Posted on 19/1/2009, 19:50

2.12 - Homeward Bound
Cooper: What's your problem?You look like someone died.
Charlotte: Dying. Big daddy.
Cooper: Big daddy? Well,that is a screen name. When you get backon the horse,you really get backon the horse,huh?
Charlotte: Cooper--
Cooper: -what's killing him,the--the sexor the cold-fish attitude?
Charlotte: Big daddy's my father.

Izzie Stevens
view post Posted on 26/1/2009, 20:49

2.13 - Nothing to fear
Charlotte: Let's get married.
Cooper: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. I'm the groom. You are the--the naughty, naughty... maid of honor
Charlotte: cooper.
Cooper: You're serious?

Charlotte: I want to marry you. Tomorrow in Vegas.
Cooper: Tomorrow? -my mother, she's…
Charlotte: Families complicate things. Family is messy. Let's do this. Marry me, Cooper Freedman.

Charlotte: Thong or floss? You don't want to marry me.
Cooper: I want to marry you... under a chuppah with you in a big white dress in front of everyone I know.
Charlotte: I can't do that.
Cooper: Why not? Why don't you want Family at our wedding? Why vegas? Why right now?
Charlotte: Cause I can't go down an aisle without my father. Satisfied? Because big daddy is dead, and I won't go down an aisle without him. So you want to marry me or not?
Cooper: You're grieving. You need time.
Charlotte: I don't need time.
Cooper: Your wedding day should be the happiest day of your life-- our life.
And I want you beaming when you come down that aisle. That's how our marriage should begin.

Izzie Stevens
view post Posted on 1/2/2009, 21:20

Second Chances
Cooper: Brought you a peace offering. Your favorite--fritters, warm apple, deep fried for your southern taste buds.
Charlotte: We have breakfast here, cooper.
Cooper: Well, maybe you can skip breakfast here, and we... look, I understand you're angry, but you can't not talk to me. I'm sorry I said no about the marriage, but I did tell you I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Can you tell me what I did wrong that's so unforgivable?
Charlotte: If you really don't get it, I can't help you.

Cooper: You know, this is crazy, Charlotte.
Charlotte: What, riding the elevator?
Cooper: Stop! Okay? With t masking and the sarcasm. It's like we take one stepforward and two steps back. I want you to talk to me. Do you not see that we are a perfect match and you're screwing it up?
Charlotte: I got embarrassed and humiliated. So don't tell me about screwing things up. You think it's easy for me to look you in the face after I sobbed in your lap like a 12-year-old girl, asked you to marry me and got turned down?
Cooper: You shouldn't feel humiliated.
Charlotte: Well, it happened, and I do, and there is nothing you can do about it.

Charlotte: Peace offering. Cornbread chicken casserole. Mama used to bring it to the neighbors to make peace after landry and duke let their pigs out. It's the only thing I know how to make. I screwed up, Coop, and I want to make it right. So... I was thinking, you wanted me to move in a few months ago. Maybe now that's the right thing to do- a good first step. What's the matter? You goin' somewhere?
Cooper: I'm moving in with violet.

Izzie Stevens
view post Posted on 18/2/2009, 13:38

2.16 - Ex- Life
Cooper: Look,I know you're upset about me living with violet. I know you feel excluded,but it doesn't have to be like that You-- you could be part of it.
Charlotte: Part of it,cooper,really? What exactly do you think that would look like? Me living with the two of you,reading "mother goose" to violeleswoln belly while you're giving her pregnancy massages? Or how about me puttin' on my bo peep outfit, trying to seduce you while she's calling t from the next room for a puke bucket? Or better yet,me taking video of you and violet bringing your little snot home?

Charlotte: I get what you're doing for violet.
Cooper: Please tell me you're not changing your mind.
Charlotte: I get that she's your best friend. But there comes a point in time when you can't have a woman be your best friend because there's a more important woman in your life. There should be. but you and violet,it'S... intimate... and she needs you. And I think,at the end of the day,you need her. And I'm outside of it. It's your thing... your thing with violet. And you want me to be a part of it,but... I don't have it in me to make it work that way. I'm supposed to be your best friend,cooper.

Edited by Izzie Stevens - 18/2/2009, 14:04
view post Posted on 16/9/2009, 16:40

2x17 - Wait and See
Co: Good morning, Dr.King.
Ch: Move in with me, Cooper. I know you care about violet and her baby. And I understand why you wanted to move in with her. But you can still be there for both of them without living at her place.
Co: Violet's afraid to be alone. So I need to be there for her.
Ch: I'm your girlfriend.
Co: And I am here for you. And living with Violet, it doesn't change that.
Ch: My patience only goes so far.

Co: We haven't been speaking for two weeks.I...
miss you. Don't treat me like the pervert next door.
Ch: If you lived next door,we wouldn't be having the problem.

view post Posted on 16/9/2009, 16:57

Co: Nice surprise.
Ch: I slept with Archer Montgomery. I just.. thought you should know.
Co: No. You don't get to just walk away from me after telling me that. How dare you? How dare you do this?
Ch: It's just the way I am.
Co: That's crap! You did the one thing you could to push me away, to make me make the choice and not you. Guess what, Charlotte. That's not gonna work. I'm not going anywhere. You want to sleep with some guy to hurt me, to makme back off? Too bad. I'm here. I'm storming the freakin' castle for you, and you so underestimated me. What, you thought I was so weak that I'm gonna walk away because my pride got wounded? You are mine. And I'm not walkg away because you're scared.

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