, Addison & Pete Quotes

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view post Posted on 18/10/2008, 22:41

2.01 - A Family Thing

Pete: Do you want go out sometime?
Addison: Out?
Pete: On a date.
Addison: Well, that's... Uh... d you think that's wise?
Pete: uh, is there someone else?
Addison: Yes. No. There was a person, uh, an officer of the law, but we never connected. So no, no, there's... there's no one else. Okay then.
Pete: Ok. Think about it.

Addison: Hey.
Pete: Is it wise?
Addison: what?
Pete: Our date.
Addison: Oh. Um, I haven't had time... Can we takl about this tomorrow?

Pete: I heard you kicked liquid ventilation ass yesteday.
Addison: Oh, I did okay.
Pete: So?
Addison: Pete, I can't. Things around here are about to... And I am seeing someone as...as of last night, so...
Pete: I got it.
Addison: I'm sorry Pete. I...
Pete: Now wise.

Izzie Stevens
view post Posted on 4/11/2008, 08:09

2.04 - Past Tens
Addison:you decide what to do?
Pete: I decided the truth seemed better.
Addison: Hey,speaking of which,uh,why is it that no one seems to know anything about you?
Pete: You know me.
Addison: Apparently we don't even know your name. Peter.
Pete: Look,the past is the past. I'm not one to dwell on it.
Addison: But meg--she seems like
a good part of your past.
Pete: She's here now. Then she'll be gone. So. It is what it is.
Addison: Unless it isn'T. You could not let her go.
Pete: You know what your problem is? You are a romantic. You don't want them running this place together. You want them together-- Sam and Naomi the way it was, you and Naomi the way it was.
Addison: What's wrong with that?I like the way it was.

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