, Addison Quotes

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Addison Montgomery
view post Posted on 8/12/2007, 10:17

1.01 - In Which We Meet Addison, a Nice Girl From Somewhere Else

Addison: I want a change, I need a change, and this is how I'm gonna do it. In L.A., at that practice, with those people!

Addison: [as we see Sam having a heart-to-heart with his little dog] Her ex-husband, Sam, is an internist. You wish you had his people skills.

Addison: [as we see Cooper chained to the bed] Cooper, a pediatrician, one of the best in his field. A pro.

Addison: [to Richard] And Pete, he does alternative medicine. As a surgeon, I don't believe in that kind of thing, but the man is a healer.

Addison: I am changing my life. Now I can walk away angry or I can walk away with your blessing.

Addison: If I hadn't been here today, if you'd had someone else, that girl would've died delivering her baby. I saved her life. I saved your asses!

Addison: So you want me gone? Too bad. I'm in! I'm putting my foot down. My foot's down, it's down. I'm not going anywhere!

1.03 - In Which Addison Finds the Magic
Addison: LA is the place you lured me to, with you Champagne wishes and Caviar dreams.

Addison: I don't fit here.

Edited by Izzie Stevens - 8/12/2007, 11:11
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